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Spitfire Progress

Subject: Spitfire Progress
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Wed, 15 May 96 20:20:40 EDT

 To:    Triumphs List,          Inet    

Well, had the frame dipped this past weekend, and am going to
paint it this coming weekend.  I know that the factory used to
paint them the same color as the body, but frankly the thought of
a bright red frame just doesn't work for me so I am going to paint
it black.  Yeah, yeah, I know, it will cost me points at the next
concours I enter (as if I really care  --  the damn thing is meant
to be driven, not fussed over).

Anyways, the following weekend my neighbor and I are going to
chemically strip the body ourselves in my driveway.  I thought
about sending it out to have it walnut shelled, but it is in
fabulous shape, no rust, straight, and it was repainted once
before, so I am hoping the chem-strip stuff works for a lot less
$$$$$.  Since I am not looking to win any concours events for
originality I have decided to paint everything a very bright fire
engine red that probably is brighter than the factory signal red. 
(Hey, it's my car and one thing I can guarantee is that the paint
job will be flawless if not original.)

I took the motor down to the long block and dropped it off at
Chris' Garage in Costa Mesa, CA.  He is the local LBC guru, and
will start the internal motor work as soon as I can scrape
together the cash (haven't any of these mechanics ever heard of
Visa?  Mastercard?  AmEx?  They all want cash  -  no checks. 
Think there is some anti-IRS sentiment going on here?)  I am
getting ready to place a major order with TRF and Rimmer for
perishable parts (bushings, shocks, etc.) and (GULP!) and going to
go ahead and buy the damn wire wheels and spin-on adapters at
about $800 U.S. from Rimmer (my wife insisted that it wouldn't
look truly "British" without them and that the original steel
wheels and hubcaps are "dorky looking").

The fun part is just around the corner  --  REASSEMBLY!  Oh boy, I
can hardly wait.  More progress reports in a few months.  Thanks
to all for your continuing assistance and support.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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