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TR6 Rearend

Subject: TR6 Rearend
From: (Jenny Parry)
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 10:08:21 -0800
This is s request for help and advice!

We own a 1971, frame off restoration, TR6.  Except for machining the engine
block, we did all the work ourselves at home. After 3 years the car was
complete, looked great - but not so great that it was a trailer queen.  We
used it extensively to drive around the San Francisco Bay Area and visit
the coast at weekends.

A year ago, while stopped in light, "stop and go" traffic on a dry,
moderately busy freeway, a brand new BMW (what else!) 535i sailed into the
back of a Honda behind me and created a 4 car sandwich.  Needless to say,
the BMW had minimal insurance (how do people get away with this?) and,
having knocked the back off the Honda, landed in my trunk (boot) spewing
gas everywhere.

Fortunately, no-one was seriously hurt.  How ever, the net result of all
the insurance hassles has been insufficient cash to have the car
professionaly rebuilt.  (Interestingly, my own full coverage policy gave me
less cover than I expected - market value only - moral is to read the fine

We now have the enthusiasm to fix the car. The frame is OK but the rear
half of the body tub is mangled and distorted.  The plan is to cut the body
tub in half, in front of the B pillars, and splice in a new rear section.
My local LBC breaker has a good back half of a TR6 for me. I have to decide
whether to seam weld straight across or attempt the more professional
approach of drilling out the spot welds and letting in the new parts along
the relevant seam lines.

Anyone tried this before?

(Sorry for the long message - ideas and advice gratefully received)

Martin and Jenny Parry

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