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Spit/GT6 Info

Subject: Spit/GT6 Info
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 08:56:19 +0000 (GMT)
Good Morning all,

I'm on the scrounge for info this morning, what I need is general information
on both the Spitfire and the GT6 before I go home tonight, I haven't any books 
here at work with me, so I'm turning to you lot, Please.......

What I want is:-

approx numbers(Total production)
engine sizes(Although I think I can remember that lot)
performance figures
and anything else you can think of.

The need for this info is because my Area of the TSSC is putting on a display
at a local car show this weekend and a friend needs the info to put onto
display cards to go with each car.

Anyone in the Leicester area this weekend might want to take a trip into the
city centre and take a look at the show, it's at the Abbey park and is FREE,
the show includes all manner of classics(Inc American stuff :-)), custom,
autojumble, etc etc.  Not sure about total number of cars there but I would
imagine it's between 500-1000.  Come and say hello if you do come.



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