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Driving tests, etc. continued

To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: Driving tests, etc. continued
Date: Thu, 9 May 96 14:41:18 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
Oops. Sausage fingers here hit the wrong key and sent the message before
I was finished. What I was going to say was:

You, the fellow who John was gently correcting, could have been charged
with the accident under what the insurance companies call "contributory
negligence". The insurance company doesn't know "unavoidable". Their
position is that if you hadn't taken the car out of the garage you wouldn't
have had the accident, therefore you contributed to it. (I know. Insurance
companies have certain things in common with government.)
Now none of the above should be construed as a flame against the original
poster. OK?

It seems to me that the only viable way to improve the skills of young
drivers is for parents to take responsibility for their kids and see that
they get as much practical experience and training as possible. Have them
take drivers ed and go to a real driver's school. Take them to a high
performance school and to autocrosses. Let them understand what happens
when limits are exceeded. The ER idea is also a good one. Something to
hammer in the reality of what can happen, and happen very fast, in an
accident situation. We spend tons of time and money preparing our kids
for college and careers but almost none on preparing them to deal with
the realities of driving (or sex for that matter, but that's a subject
for another time and forum.)

There. I will now relinquish the soapbox to the next
Lurk mode: on. Nomex: on.

sorry for the split message.

Rik Schlierer                 "Imagination is what allows you
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US          to remember things that
NYS DEPT OF HEALTH, ALBANY NY     never happened" (D.T.M.)

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