I was in a similar situation over 20 years ago. I was paying about
$1500/year living right near you (I assume is Boston College). I
to UMass at Amherst and registered my car there, and my premiums went to
about $500/year. I am, in no way, recommending that you transfer
universities to avoid
the high cost of auto insurance in the BC area. It has been my experience
that the
cost of auto insurance is dictated by location, location and location. Once you
choise the limits and types of coverage you want, shopping for auto
insurance will
save you maybe 2%-5%. The insurance companies are a ligitimized cartel to
steal $$
from its policyholders. Why is it that they cry millions of $$ of losses,
yet they
own and continue to build huge properties in the major cities? The Prudential
Tower in Boston, for example! Well, you catch my drift.
Maybe you might want to consider moving somewhere between
and Rt 128? The rent is also cheaper there too.
Jeff Nathanson
At 10:02 PM 5/7/96 -0600, you wrote:
> I hate you.
>Okay, while we're on insurance here, is there anyone out there on this
>list who sells insurance and can give us an idea of how much it would
>cost me for six months:
>1) college student at somewhat prestigious East Coast school
>2) fast, not reckless highway miles at @70-80
>3) safe, but piece of crap car valued less than $1,000 (ie 280ZX, 900,
>Camaro, 70s Cherokee, Volvo, etc)
>4) 3 tickets in 3 years- 2 of which were deleted from record after class
>5) only one accident in 6/93, no citation issued
> Well? Just basic liability with no coverage for collision/theft/etc
>with a $10-25K policy limit. Can it stay under $400 per six months for me?