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TR6 - Diff. mount cracked

Subject: TR6 - Diff. mount cracked
From: Rich Olson <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 10:13:20 -0400 (EDT)
Hello again!

I just got back from work/vacation in London/Paris/Brussels.  The main reason
I came back was so I could start to work on my 'new' TR6.  BTW: Only saw
3 LBCs on the whole trip.  Two rough looking MGBs in London, and a nice
looking Morgan (year??) in Paris.  I guess all the real nice cars are in
the 'burbs, eh?

I removed the diff. on the '72 '6 last night and discovered the "Dreaded
Cracked Front mounting"  Clean crack, not separated, yet.  Should I do like
the TRF blue spare parts book (p201) technical note says and just "weld
the crack" or is it advisable to renforce the mount with the 'boxing' kit?
Car is daily driver (or will be soon!), no heavy slalom or races planned.

Also, the reason for the diff. removal is to replace the pinion and side 
oil seals and gasket as it leaks more than I expected.  Oh yeah, forgot
to mention, when I got it, I had a sort of low resonent hum at 50-60mph -
I got suggestions about the U-joints, but they look good. It DID take 1.5
pints of 90W, but a lot leaked out already.  Any sure way to check the
bearings while it's out??


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