I am looking for a pair of 175's for my TR6 engine (CC67416E - an early TR6
engine from around 1971). Unfortunately, Rick couldn't find the ones he had
stashed somewhere, so I am turning to the list again. Given my ability to
rebuilt carbs (never even opened one), I would appreciate if they were
rebuilt prior to being shipped to me ;-)
Looking forward to hear about some cheap ones (even though my name is not
Nick) for sale,
GT6 Mk. 2 1970
GT6 Mk. 3 1972 (TR6 engine)
Michael Noerregaard \\\\|//// Ph: (512) 385 9714
2430 Cromwell C, apt. 1306 \\\|///
Austin, TX 78741 ( O O ) ngaard@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu