I measured my compression on my TR6 (in my GT6 Mk.3) yesterday, and got a
fine (???) reading on five of the six cylinders (all around 190), and a
rather poor one on the last one (around 70) - but I'll leave it up to my
mechanic in town to fix that up for me (I am still a mechanic-wannabe) - but
thanks for all the input I got through the list. I'll y'all know what it is
like to drive when that is fixed ;-)
GT6 Mk. 2 1970
GT6 Mk. 3 1972
Michael Noerregaard \\\\|//// Ph: (512) 385 9714
2430 Cromwell C, apt. 1306 \\\|///
Austin, TX 78741 ( O O ) ngaard@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu