>>Well Tony, I put your mix into my TR-6 on Sunday only got to put on about
>>5 more miles after that so no conclusions as yet.
>>Not sure you would approve of my crude measure tools ie;pepsi bottle
>>but the wife got a little upset when I went for the cooking utensils.
>>I'll let you no if it gets rid of that dreaded pinging at full throttle.
>> Chet
> If it is "ping" you are trying to get rid of, an additive alone may not
>do the trick. Albeit, it will help, but most usually, timing or too cool a
>spark plug may be the culprit.
Let's not forget that one of the prime causes of "pinging" is the use of
gasoline with too low an octane rating. In many cases going up one grade of gas
will cause the "ping" or "spark knock" to cease, espically when it occurs under
acceleration. Remember, since most of our LBCs were built, the octane ratings
for U.S. gasoline has fallen off considerably. I recall that in the late 60's
octanes ratings of greater than 95 were common. Nowadays 93 or 94 is the highest
you buy, if you can aford it, and 87 to 89 is considered "regular".
Happy British Motoring,