On Mar Mon, 1996 6:00:00 PM, Pat Leask wrote:
>The one I pulled out of the timing chain cover (The one I put in 2 years
>from MOSS) is about 1/2" thick, is fully encased in metal, has the basic
>rubber seal inside, plus-what seems to be an additional felt (?) seal that
>goes infront of the rubber seal part (towards the fan). For the most part,
>seems to be really good overall quality.
>The one I recived in my "Stocking" is a 1/4" thick with JUST the rubber
>of the seal and only has metal on the edge and one side.
>QUESTION: Is this new seal going to do the job ?
I just had this discussion TODAY with the Roadster Factory. I bought a
gearbox rebuild kit from them, and the front oil seal is all plastic &
rubber, where the old seal had a metal shell that you could drive down into
the housing. The new seal hangs up on the little oil passage that is on one
side of the cover, and if you force the seal, it will distort or tear. I
spoke to Dave Hagenbuch, and he was surprised that the oil passage on my
cover went all the way to the opening for the seal. He was even more
surprised when I told him that of the 5 covers I looked at on Sunday, they
were all the same. He said he was looking at a cover where the oil passage
did not go all the way to the opening of the seal. The new seal would work
on that cover. According to Dave, ALL of the new seals are coming that way.
While you are on the subject of repro parts, if you ever tear down a
gearbox, put your new synchros next to your old ones and note the big
difference (.060) in thickness (no, the new ones are not the thicker ones).