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Driving Seats

Subject: Driving Seats
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96 18:51:08 EST

 To:    Triumphs List,          Inet    

 From: Chris Boston on  Mon, Subject: Driving Seats

I broke my driving seat on Saturday, Don't ask how (thats a long 
story), but the frame has actually snapped in half.  I have three
choices:   1. Weld up the seat - cheap(ish).   2. Replace with a
second hand seat - reasonable cost.  3. Buy a pair of comfortable
seats - expensive.
I guess I have two questions,
  1. Does anyone have a spare R.H. seat they can sell me cheaply.
  2. Does anybody have experience with third party (comfy) seats 
that they are        prepaired to recommend, or warn me against.


Chris --

As to 3rd party seats, if you want an inexpensive pair that are
relatively comfortable you might try Corbeau.  They make several
different models, fixed back & recliners, sport and racing models,
and the least expensive fixed back, low rise seat covered in black
fabric starts at about  $150 to $175.  Prices go up accordingly
for the more features, etc.  but generally they are 25% to 30%
less than Recarros, etc.

This sounds pretty expensive, but with Recarros starting at $350
and a simple upholstery job to re-cover the seat running $100 here
in SoCal, the Corbeaus aren't that bad of a deal if you aren't
looking to keep it original.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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