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Marvel Mystery Oil

Subject: Marvel Mystery Oil
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 96 00:05:18 MST

 Excuse me for not returning all the periphery, too much text to keep
sending back and forth.
 Marvel Myster Oil is basically a top cylinder lube. Marketed by Marvel 
Oil Co., Port Chester, N.Y. 10573.
 I think it started out as an industrial hydraulic lubricant. I know I 
have used Marvel for years in air tools.
 You should be able to locate it at most auto parts stores, at least they 
should be able to order it for you. If you have no luck there, try 
most anyplace that sell air or pneumatic tools.
 This stuff is in a red/black can, I usually pay about $12.00 (US)
per gallon. 
 K-Mart here has it for about $3.00 a quart.
 It looks and smell s suspiciously like autmatic transmission fluid, but I'm
sure it has other things in it.
 No, I don't work for Marvel, but I think they should at least pay me a 
royalty for all hte advertising they get from me.
 I don't know of any other product that is comparable to Marvel, but I am 
sure that somewhere there is one.
Best Regards, 
Good Luck
Tony R.

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