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Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 11:20:44 EST
To:         MUSSON               Internet entry for MUSSON                      
From:       Keith A. Edwards     (804) 925-2539 Virginia DOT                    
Date:       12/28/95  / 11:12:56                                                
Subject:    Reply to TR3a Transmissions                                         
You Ask:                                                                        
>From: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <>                       
 To: List TR3 <>                                         
 Subject: TR3a Transmissions                                                    
 Can an non-overdrive transmission be modified to accept an overdrive           
 unit?  or will the tranny need to be changed out?                              
 |  CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator                     PHONE: (813) 974-2321  |    
 |  USF College of Fine Arts (FAH110)                 FAX: (813) 974-2091  |    
 |  4202 E. Fowler Ave.                                                    |    
 |  Tampa, Florida 33620-7250         INTERNET:  |    
 |   Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not represent USF   |    
Yes, but you also need to swap the output shaft for the "OD" shaft.             
The shaft is also different between 3As and 3Bs, 4s, etc.  I happen to have a   
3A OD output shaft I would be willing to part with.                             
Keith Edwards, Suffolk, VA                                                      
cc:         TRIUMPHS             Internet entry for TRIUMPHS                    

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