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Re: Green TR3A's?

Subject: Re: Green TR3A's?
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 95 18:52:49 MST
>If your friend isn't Bob Smith @ 1 800 388-2278 then please let me
>know who your friend is. The reason I mention Bob Smith is that there
>is a 57 TR3 in El Paso listed by him on Webfoot's Used Car Lot
>On Dec 13,  1:36pm, Tony Robinson wrote:
>> Subject: Re: Green TR3A's?

 That's the one, although, I don't know where the "800" telephone number 
comes from.
 I also recently located a '53 TR3 "small mouth". As of this moment, the 
car is not for sale. It has been partiallt disassembled for the last four 
or five years. I looked at it as a project for the owner. He mentioned 
that he had less than $1500. in it. I would estimated about $2700 - $3000
for me to do a top notch restoration. (my cost). I am goint to wait until 
next Spring when I have a few other things cleared up and offer him a 
couple thousand for it. I really don't think he's going to do anything 
with it. If it should become available and I decide not to keep it, I 
will post it and put it up for grabs. Will keep the list posted on any 
more TR3 finds.
Tony R.
64TR4 oops

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