> Send reply to: kboetzer <kboetzer%Auspex.com@auspex.com>
> Date sent: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 09:00:39 -0800
> From: kboetzer@auspex.com (Ken Boetzer)
> To: MILESJE@novell2.bham.ac.uk
> Subject: Re: spit 1500 big end rattle
> >
> Jonathan,
> I fully understand the situation as far as time constraints are concerned.
> the description and the unknown condition of the rod journals I would
> excessive clearance. It would seem based on other responces that this is a
> problem. The big unknown is "How long will the beast live?". I must admit to
> done a rush job or two myself. I have found the laws of physics always
> :-( As far as advice is concerned if it was me I would gather together the
> for a complete bottom end rebuild including a reground crank and gird myself
> emotionally for the effort at a to be determined date not to far into the
> Best regards,
> Ken Boetzer
Thanks for the advice Ken. I'll start saving up now!
Best wishes,
Dr J.E.Miles
School of Biological Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT