On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, Jeff Foster wrote:
> Greg,
> Can't help with your request but I'm sittin' here in Quincy and am proud to
> own a '58 TR3 (still waiting in the garage - 10 years now - but that's
> another story), and would sure like some information on CITOA (Central
> Illinois Triumph Owners Association)!
> Saw a bunch of TR's in Springfield a few years ago
Yeah we were the organizers for that event. One of our members
(Dave Franke) was the pusher to get the ball rolling. The show was
almost entirely put together by people from Charleston and Champaign
areas... When another show conflicted, and our Springfield liaison
lost interest, the show died. We never got a cent to help get the
next show together since all the profits went to the Ronald MacDonald
House. After a years or two we got together with the Prairie Octagon
MG Club and started a show here in Champaign. This spiring will
mark our 5th year.
The CITOA is going through a quiet period, we need some new blood
to get the ball rolling again. We alway had trouble getting our
Springfield and Peoria members to travel to meetings and events.
We even moved the meeting location to Decatur in hopes that if
everyone had to travel the same distance to a meeting we'd get more
attendance... No luck. The diehards from Champaign and Charleston
would be the only ones to make the trip, and one or two would show
up from points west. The old hardcore either moved away or got burned
out and we have not gotten enough new blood to make a difference.
Okay sad story over... The CITOA is still in existance. We have a
great treasury, and those of us oldtimers still would like to see it
back to it's former strength. The annual Dues is $10.00 per year, our
next meeting is a Phoney Mahoney's in Champaign at 1:00PM on Sunday.
It's a show planning meeting. If you are interested in attending
give me a call at (217) 355-1944.
> Well, enough about me ... please send me the details on CITOA!
gpetrola@prairienet.org 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois