Dear All;
The other day I was driving along in my TR-4 and decided to mess with the
heater fan. The window was fogging and my wife had been complaining about
lack of heat (you want heat?, but honey, this is a British Car) so I decided
to reconnect the fan switch that I had disconected, having suspected it was
bad, and see what had happened. Nothing happened right then (with the fan)
but I did get the idea that we need a term for when you are driving down the
road and you start messing with something on the car (does that ever happen
to you?). Your suggestions would be welcome, and you can direct them to me
and I will publish a compendium with updates at the appropriate intervals.
I have another, related, question. What is it called when sometime later
the above fan comes on, shreeking like holy hell, and scares the SH*T out of
you? I thought there was something _very_ wrong with my beast. Again I am
willing to compile all responses sent directly to me and post later to save
time and electrons.