Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 10:57:27 -0500 (EST)
From: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <>
Subject: Re: digest
Is there any way to get past "issues" of the digest? I just came on
board this week and I am trying it both in the digest form and as
separate mailings. (I can't figure out how to print or save individual
postings in the digest.)
[ send mail to, with the command
index triumphs
This will give you a list of archived mail files, saved by month.
Then you can send the command, for example
get triumphs triumphs.archive.9511
Then you'll get a 1.2 meg return email of the November postings. mjb.]
Anyway, my interests are in TR3's although some of the other postings are
interesting and even relevant. But past postings might be of use.
Second: The discussion regarding moderated vs. non-mod. I have been
subscribed to other lists which are in no way moderated and they are a
pain. Your efforts in maintaining the list are appreciated by probably
99% of the subscribers and should continue.
[ Thanks, most of the folks on the list do appreciate it, but there
are always some who are unhappy no matter what. It seems some people
didn't even bother to notice that the terrible threat of moderation
was only a temporaray test. It didn't save me squat, I still spend
way too much time sitting here idle while my machine thrashes, so I
turned it off. mjb. ]
Third: Perhaps it isn't possible, but have you thought about putting the
postings out in WWW format? I am not sure of the difficulties there
might be at your end or if all could have access who belong, but the
selection process of what to read or not read is a given.
[ The last attempt at HTML indexing was not that great, I'll try again
in a month or two. mjb.]
Again, thanks for your efforts and keep up the good work.
PS A check for the garage is on its way...
PPS You can post all or part of this not to the list. FEEL FREE TO EDIT.
| CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator PHONE: (813) 974-2321 |
| College of Fine Arts (FAH110) FAX: (813) 974-2091 |
| 4202 E. Fowler Ave. |
| Tampa, Florida 33620-7250 INTERNET: |