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Re: V6-V8 Question

Subject: Re: V6-V8 Question
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 95 17:35:13 EST
 To:    Triumph List,           Inet    

On Wed 11/22: L.J.Friend-Kalu responded to my comments on
 Subject: Re: V6-V8 Question
>Ummmm, excuse me for possibly being accused of "flaming" someone 
> >(it's my first time), but frankly I would be surprised if  >
anyone on this list gave a rat's *ss about a Ford V8 dropped  >
into a TR7.  I know I don't.  Hate to say it Chad, my friend,  >
but you have way too much time on your hands. > >Ross D.  >

 > >Ross, bud, lighten up and stop being so  > narrow minded.  If
your that stuck up get off this list and do  a concourse
restoration or somthing. JFK  

Aha!  I knew somebody would flame me.  Okay.  I guess I deserved
it, I was in a bad mood that day, and I got a little overboard. 
Sorry.  Hugs and kisses to all.  And, BTW, I am not narrow minded,
nor "stuck up" (I assume that was intended to be a pejorative
term?).  It just seemed like all of the $$$ spent on the V8
conversion could have been put to better use, but hey, if he's
happy with the result who am I to complain?

Wishing I'd keep my keyboard quiet . . .

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire Mk. I, (sold the Datsun Roadster) and a cat named

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