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Fuel Line disasters!!! :::::===>>>BOOM<<<===:::::

Subject: Fuel Line disasters!!! :::::===>>>BOOM<<<===:::::
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:23:44 -0500
My father ignited a car once in the garage when the fuel line was
disconnected and he cranked the starter while setting the timing.  Yes, be
very careful about disconnecting the fuel line.  A pair of vice grips is a
quick way to shut it off.  But can be damaging.  I always keep a set of
vacuum line plugs handy.  I put a proper fitting one in the end of the hose
and tighten the clamp if necessary.  No crush damage this way.

BTW, does anyone know of a source for in-line shut off valves we can install?
 Not consourse, but safe.

They say you can put out a match in a bucket of gasoline---  if you're fast
enough.  I don't like to practice anything I get only one chance to fail at,
so I will leave that one as theory.

Brian N

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