For all who answered me about the original Unisyn thread that I started -
Most have focused on our operation of it - I should have been a bit more
We figured out that to adjust it one must turn down the dome like threaded
contraption in the aperture. However - we ended up turning it in so far as
to pass the small opening to the tube, (which I am assuming causes a vacuum
and the indicator to rise in the tube) Once we passed this small opening the
device failed to work at all - I again assume that by going past a certain
point you break the vacuum.
I haven't looked at it again to see if there is a burr on ours, as Tom Gentry
suggested. But ours does goes through the round opening without completely
shutting off. The dome at its most closed point still leaves a small opening
around its circumfrance. (again I assume this is 'normal')
Someone else - maybe Berry Kerchaval - said that the Unisyn needed to be
modified by drilling a hole in the round plate to match up with something on
the carb's face plate. Any thoughts on this?
I have ordered a new set (complete) of vacuum and emmission hoses and will
change them out before I give up on the Unisyn.
Somewhat cynically the parts man at our local import parts place advised,
when asked what else I might do in this regard, retorted "call a good
mechanic" (he was a bit disdainful of the Unisyn)
I'd hate to give up on it, and go back to the Bently Manual's (and apparantly
early TR mechanic's) method of tuning it by ear.
And Lastly - since I am having trouble with the Unisyn - Does anyone have any
advice about using the Color Tune - Good OR Bad.