> From: Chris Boston <cboston@zeu.tt.umist.ac.uk>
> Could this be a danger to us all?
> There have recently been a spate of adverts from Shell, spouting off about
> their low-lead four-star. Since I suspect that this is just the thin end of
> the wedge (no pun intended to 7/8 drivers), does anybody know if they are
> putting an equally good lubricant in this new concoction, or are they just
> trying to run our beloved cars off the road?
As far as I know, there are no replacement additives. They also have stated
that leaded fuel is likely to disappear
completely by the end of the century since the demand is falling quite steadily.
However, hopefully there will be good additives available by then. Austria
have done away with lead altogether
and have replaced it with a lead substitute. It is actually illegal to
manufacture or sell leaded fuel in that country.
But the Austrian Spitfires continue to plod on OK.
From: Phil Willson
Electronic Engineering
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