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Re: TR7's

To: (Triumph Mailing List)
Subject: Re: TR7's
From: "Randell Jesup" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 95 15:37:48 EST
Jase H. Przychodzen writes:
(re: TR7)
>Also I was toying with putting a larger engine into it.
>Ive heard that TR8 are cows (so says the book I have) should I upgrade
>to TR8 (is there an upgrade path?) or should I just drop in a Celica or
>some Jap piece of techno?

        TR8's are "cows"?  I'm guessing that you mean slow (Aussie slang
doesn't always cross over perfectly, just as I'm sure US and UK slang don't).
TR8's are _not_ slow.  They're not head-snapping, but they have the "right"
amount of power for enthusiastic driving.  While you could put more powerful
engines in it, the chassis, suspension and brakes aren't really set up for
too much more than TR8 power (and I think TR8's have bigger brakes).

        If stock TR8 power isn't enough, drop in some performance parts - it's
a very popular engine in England, and you an get cams, manifolds, stroked
and bored blocks (more displacement), etc.  Note that the '81 TR8's with FI
had considerably more HP than the carb versions, though not all that much more
torque, if I remember correctly.

        Those V8's are easy to work on, tune, hop up, etc, and it's a well-
understood drop-in conversion.
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94

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