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Bay area, chance for redemption...

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: Bay area, chance for redemption...
From: "Bruce A. Krobusek" <>
Date: 26 Oct 95 19:38:30 EDT
>Cait said that the car started to make a very serious vibration above 
>45 mph while on the throttle, but it was smooth on over-run and below 45. 

I'd sent an earlier reply on this suggesting missing wheel weights. After
going back and  R E A D I N G  the original post I realize what a foolish
suggestion that was.  <sigh>  Chalk it up to brain fade...

     - BAK -

      Bruce A. Krobusek
        Rochester   NY
       CIS: 74106,1335
          '83 R80RT
      '72 TR6  CC75665LO

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