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Con rod side clearance

Subject: Con rod side clearance
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 16:57:12 -0400
Wordly Scions,

While studying the "bottom end" of my motor & reading about it in Bentley,
I came across  a note giving the specification of .0025" - .0086" for
rod side clearance.  Nowhere do they mention how to measure this.  Haynes
doesn't mention it at all.  I'm coming up with a measurement of .014 on my
car.  This is essentially the "sideways slop" of the big end(s) on the
It appears that bearing wear would have little to no effect on this, as the
are much narrower than the big ends.

But I'm wondering:
Has anyone measured this?
Is it important?
How does one remedy excessive clearance? - new con rods?
Could this be the cause or a contributing factor of the "death rattle" ?

Any net wisdom would be most gratefully received.  Email direct to me
would also be great as we are in digest only mode these days.

Bob Sykes
75, 78, 78 (seeing more of the underside than the inside) Spitfires

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