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coolant leak

Subject: coolant leak
From: (Joseph Schneider) (Joseph Schneider)
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 12:52:00 -0500
>> > Sunny day here in W.PA and went for a ride.  Stopped for gas, and water
>> > starts to come out from underneath the front of the engine.  Not coming
>> > out of the overflow.  Traces to an unseen point below the waterpump
>> > bearing housing.
>> >
>> > Put water in and headed home.  Stopped again to get a bottle of water
>> > (Mountian Spring Water - nothing but the best) and left the engine
>> > running, and no water leaks out !!!
>> >
>> > Water comes out when the car is not running, doesn't come out when the
>> > car is running ?
>> >
>> > Once home opened the rad cap and lots of foam.
>> >
>> > Car's now sitting cooling down before getting to work.  Any suggestions
>> > beyond replaceing the gasket on the water pump bearing housing ?
>> >
>> > Paul g. Wiegman
>> > 1957 TR3   TS14551L
>> >
>that's kinda weird... I have a 1980 tr7 and ran into the same problem.
>When the engine was running, I had no problem... However once I turned
>the baby off, I was leaking water.  It came from a notch beside the water
>pump in the engine...  I have cured the problem (for how long, I don't
>know) with gunk stop leak stuff!  Worked wonders...  So far I haven't had
>anymore problems... at least from that... I'm currently trying to
>fix/replace my overflow tank which decided to rupture a seam...
>Good luck...
>Adam Beasley
>Clemson University

when your engine is hot and you shut it off, the water pump stops pumping,
and the coolant gets pretty hot (despite the curious observation that many
cars with electric fans let them run when the engine is off, there must be
very little circulation and, therefore, little effective cooling of the
block)- the pressure goes up with the temperature and many systems leak
under these circumstances- old solution was to switch from 13psi to 7psi
pressure cap (i guess that meant the leak was then out the overflow and
possibly recovered in an overflow reservoir)- best solution if this is the
real problem is probably to fix the leak
subliminal message->(gasket)<-subliminal message
good luck

Joseph R Schneider, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School
100 Burch, Evanston Hospital, 2650 Ridge Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
voice: (708) 570-2565  fax: (708) 570-2899  e-mail:

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