This one actually looks pretty interesting, so I'm forwarding the message
below. Heh, I wonder what he means by "numbers match on engine and
chassis" --- did this really happen to TR250's?
Lee M. Daniels Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding Texas A&M (409) 845-3726 Fax (409) 845-9351
'74 TR6 '77 MGB
From: (William Augustine )
Subject: FS: TR 250
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 07:21:08 GMT
Organization: Cedarville College, Cedarville, OH
Complete 1968 TR250 for sale, numbers match on engine and chassis, #7699
of about 8900 made, needs full restoration, many extra parts included, wire
wheels, extra engine. 1200.00 call for more info.
(513)376-2120 ask for Severin