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Re: Rear axle assy - Spitfire

Subject: Re: Rear axle assy - Spitfire
From: "J.Daley" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 12:19:11 +0100
>>The number SHOULD be 011 44 181 15630101 from the US for British Sports
>>Car Spares. I haven't heard of them before - what else do they have? Do
>>they have a catalog?
>I'm not sure what else they have, I only heard about the driveshaft from Julian
>Daley(Hello JD), 

Hello, Richard.  How's the Spit running ?  I forgot the put the roof up
on mine on Monday night and I had to bale it out on Tuesday morning !

It's nice to be back on the list after a two week break.  I spent some
of that time staying with Tom Story and his wife in San Fransisco (Tom
is a regular on the Big List).  I've met some great people through
these lists !

>But I think they supply parts for most British Sports cars. 
>Can anyone else enlighten us all.

I just 'phoned them.  They specialise in new and second-hand parts for the
Spit/Herald/Vitess and the MGB/Midget.  They have a sister company for
the TR range (TR Cars, I think).  They are sending me a catalogue but
they say that they have more in stock than is in the catalogue.  They
do worldwide mail order.

In the end I didn't buy a half-shaft from them as I was able to just
replace the bushes and the vertical link (about 20 quid rather than
65).  I may however have to replace one of the inner hubs as when I
pump in grease there is a pin-hole size leak at the top :(  

So I can't comment on their quality, but they are helpful on the 'phone.


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