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Re: Women<>

Subject: Re: Women<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 16:55:32 +0000 (GMT)
>In a message dated 95-08-24 10:59:57 EDT, Lennart.Broekhof@Holland.Sun.COM

>>I'm not English/American but I'm sure that he didn't ask for advice !
>>Guess that there are people who only stick to their car :-)
>Or we could fantasize about who, or in some cases what, we'd most like to
>have "stick" to our cars...for instance the two pairs of blue jean butts that
>were stuck to the fresh paint on the rear deck of my TR3-B one wild and crazy
>night in St. Augustine MANY years ago.

>And then we could divide the list into subcategories, such as things which
>stick to the seats of early TR2s through TR4s, and things that stick on the
>pointed end of TR7s and TR8s.

>:-), etc., etc...

I take it all back, there are people out there in cyperspace(remember, in space
no-one can hear you laugh)with a sense of humour.  :-)
Does this mean the end of the flames for me, can I put the extinguisher away
now?  :-)


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