Hi all,
I have sad news. I was driving my 1980 Spitfire (my daily
driver for 15 years) home from the market today, and got
broadsided in the passenger door. I am shaken, but apparently
unharmed. The car gave its life to save mine--it took
the impact very nicely, so I wouldn't have to. Unfortunately,
the lovely Spit is totalled.
The damage is primarily to the right middle and front, though
both front tires are pointed askew. I would venture that the
engine (just had it rebuilt a year and a half ago), radiator,
electric fan, alternator, air pump, half of the interior, and
most of the rear end is still servicable.
It's a bit dark to go out and get much detail about it all
now, and it still hurts to look at it for very long.
Anyway, to draw this to a close, I live in an apartment, and
cannot keep the corpse parked on the street for more than a
few days without starting to accumulate parking tickets.
Is there anyone out there in Southern California (preferably
the Los Angeles area) who would like to come out and strip
off what's usable, or is anyone aware of a good wrecking
yard in the area that it could go to, one that would allow
the car to be a good organ donor, so its parts can keep
other Spitfires on the road?
Any info or advice is greatly appreciated, and the sooner
the better (I get my first ticket Monday morning).
--John Hazelton
West Hollywood, CA, USA
P.S. - Can anyone in Southern Cal recommend a good accident
attorney? The folks in the car that hit me are making
noises that sound like I should get one, so that my
accomodating good nature doesn't dig me into a hole.
P.S.S. - Dan Parslow, wanna sell your '79 Spitfire? You don't
need it now that you have Tessa, the Vitesse, do you?