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Re: SU - HD6

Subject: Re: SU - HD6
From: (Scott W. Paisley)
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 15:22:01 -0600
References: <>
Peter wrote:

>Per Greg Meboe's instructions for identifying the model of my carbs - they're
>SU HD6's. Are these about the right size for a TR6 motor? Worth a try if I can
>get them working smoothly and still sealing OK?

Yes, these are the stock size.  The TR6 came with 1.75 ZS carbs.  Thus
the HD6 is 1 and 6/8 inches, which is 1.75, same as the ZS. writes:
 > A set of H-8's would be better... if you can find them. They were original
 > equipment of the Jag XK cars.
 > Don't plan on passing a smog test, however, unless you have some experience
 > in that area.

I not sure why Don would recommend the HD8s.  They are bigger and will
pass more fuel, but a stock TR6 setup can't breath well enough to take
advantage of this IMHO.  With the HD8s, you'd need to open up the
manifold, port it, and add some lift to the cam to really see the

The switch over to SU's on a TR6 is to go with the HD6's.  Paul
Gilders did this on his six, and he says that it runs much better than
with the Strombergs.

Good Luck with it!


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