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VTR National Convention

To: "''" <>
Subject: VTR National Convention
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <alindber@P16.MN12.Honeywell.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 95 08:21:00 CDT
Encoding: 10 TEXT
Just a short note to express the appreciation of the Minnesota Triumphs 
contingent for the great convention in Rockford.  If The Hammer, Spuds, Big 
Momma or any of the other ISOA folks are on this list, please pass this 
message on to your e-mail impaired club members.  You folks really did a 
great job.  Those of you on this list who were unable to attend (due to 
distance, incomplete restorations, family obligations, or whatever) missed a 
super event.

     Andy Lindberg (TR3A) now returning to lurk mode

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