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Re: Can we stop the letter from Olga! =)

Subject: Re: Can we stop the letter from Olga! =)
From: (Tom Stockman)
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 10:10:10 -0600 (MDT)
> Maybe if we all sent Olga a nice letter with a bad check in it via
> snail mail it would waste so much of his time that the scamming spammer
> would give up?? Any other Ideas!!

This letter clearly goes to all kinds of mailing lists, and I like 
one solution I saw to this...same as used in Day of the Jackal, ie, 
high-powered rifle...

We need to track this SOB down to his provider.  I'm not expert enough 
to check the various archival places, but I'm interested in finding 
out how to trace this kinda crap, I'd be willing to put in some time 
on it.

I *do* know that I'd need to carefully examine the original record, 
note the path, and do some research at some of the "early" sites on 
the path within several hours of the spamming.

Anyone know more, or where I find out more?

Tom Stockman 
Morrison, CO

'61 Corvair Lakewood SW
'67 Datsun 1600 Roadster
'89 Corolla All-Trac Sedan

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