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Heral Indicators

Subject: Heral Indicators
From: Richard Endersby <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 05:29:01 GMT

I'm posting this on behalf of a friend without internet access

The case on his indicator flasher unit on his 13/60 Herald appears to be live 
(ie it has +12V on it).  When it was accedentaly earthed the other day it 
some damage to the wiring loom, which is *not* good.  In any event the 
indicators aren't working properly anyway.

Can anyone tell us, should the flasher case be live?  How should it be mounted? 
 To the bulkhead?

Also does anyone have any suggestions or references as to the best way of 
a fusebox to the Herald?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

Richard Endersby

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