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Re: Surrey top for TR4A?

To: Darrell Walker <>
Subject: Re: Surrey top for TR4A?
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 13:13:00 -0900 (PDT)
Cc: Triumph Mailing List <>
On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Darrell Walker wrote:

> Does anyone know of a source for a Surrey top for a TR4A?  It is
> like a 2-piece hard top, but the center section is fabric.

Darrell, actually the Surrey top is comprised of several bits. There is, 
of course, the cast surround for the rear glass. There was a metal 
"roof" panel. Then there was the option of the fabric roof with a 
collapsible framework (since the metal roof panel was difficult to carry 
with you in the car).

These assemblies are rather scarce. All I can suggest is keep looking 
through publications such as _Hemming's Motor News_, etc., and searching 
at flea markets and car meets in general. Most likely, you'll pay dearly 
when/if you find one. (And no, I don't want to guess what "dearly" 
translates to in cash!)

Andy Mace

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