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Re: TSSC Stafford<>

To: Phil Willson <>
Subject: Re: TSSC Stafford<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 12:43:41 +0000 (GMT)
>Hi Rich et al,

>The TSSC International.

>I'll be there, for my sins. I'll be there in my 2500S because..........IT 
>brought it into work to see if there are any problems.  It's a day for 
>celebration - the first time it's been used for
>over 3 years.  And it's beautiful.  I knew that already but it's nice to be 

How much did the MOT cost, not the actual test but the certificate :-)

>At Stafford I'll be on the Technical desk for some of the time and, I believe, 
>doing some concours judging on the
>Sunday.  The trouble is I drool over some of the cars so much that I spoil the 
>nice shine and they lose points!
>This year the officials will be wearing bright (yellow I think) baseball caps 
>so that we're easliy spotted and we've

Does that mean we get an advanced warning of when to run off :-)

>even got name badges at last.  So, please, if any of you netters (or is it 
>nutters?) are there, come and say Hello or
>anything else nice - I'll talk to anyone, I'm not proud! ( It's funny really, 
>we tell our kids not to talk to strangers
>and yet I'll chat to any weirdo providing he's got a Triumph.)

I know I'm weird, who else in their right mind would 'enjoy' driving a 22 year
old spitfire that creaks, groans, rattles, leaks like a seive(?) and sags in
the middle?

>> Heres a scary thought, in a few hundred million years time the sun will
>> eventually burn out, our planet will get bloody cold, we'll all die, so WHO's
>> gonna look after our LBC's then..........

>I can't think about that till next week.

Why not?


Anyone else going to Stafford care to join in?  Just give a good description so
we know who you are? :-)

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