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Cliks, not Clonks

Subject: Cliks, not Clonks
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 08:26:00 -0400
Last week there was some discussion about clicking
sounds coming from the rear of the TR6's.

I have a TR4a. I, too, had been hearing clicking
sounds every time I engaged the clutch in first or
reverse. I was concerned that it might be the bearing
in the kerbside half shaft going bad.

I got under the car and found almost all the nuts and
bolts at all the u-joint flanges were loose. Not falling
off loose, and not visibly loose. But, when torqued with
a pair of spanners, each would tighten up quarter to three-
quarter turn.

No more clicks.

Maybe I should replace the nylocks, or just consider this to
be routine pm.



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