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My TR3, again

Subject: My TR3, again
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 95 10:04:26 -0600
Hi all:

   Thanks to all of you who had comments about the budget locks on the
boot lid of my TR3A.  I would like to follow up on the issue.  So, let
me ask a more general question.  The SN of my car is TS22459.  My
understanding is that the first TR3A was TS22014.  I would like to
talk to owners with older TR3A's in order to ask about the boot locks.
Does anyone know of an earlier TR3A than mine?  Is there a place where
cars are registered or listed?

Hal Levison       
Geophysical, Astrophysical,                (I)
      & Planetary Sciences                 (D)  swri::levison
Southwest Research Institute
1050 Walnut St, Suite 429                  (303) 546-0290 
Boulder, CO  80302                    Fax: (303) 546-9687

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