HELP! Any ideas on a problem with the brakes on my 1979 Spitfire 1500.
Before last Sunday the problem was that I had to bled them every
two or
three weeks as the pedel needed to be pumped in order for them to work.
After bleeding the pedel would be hard, at least for a week or two.
Last Sunday I fitted new seals to the master cylinder and appear to have
made the problem worse. The pedel now travels alot further than it used
to. The brakes have been bled several times. No amount of pumping will
bring the pedel further up so I'm fairly sure there is no air left in the
The only solutions I have come up with are fairly unlikely,
1. I've fitted a component of the reconditioning kit incorrectly. This is
fairly unlikely as surely the master cylinder would leak or refuse to
work at all.
2. The seals were the wrong size. Again unlikely as the pistons felt OK
as they were put back into the cylinder. Dual brake system by the way.
Also if the seals were too small the thing would leak and there is no
signs of this.
3. Master cylinder not secure. Checked this and seems OK.
4. The fluid resovior does move very slightly, its only held on by two
pins, but even if it did leak, it should be possible to pump the pedel.
Simon Garrod