Anyone care to help out a self-taught mechanic?
1. 72 TR6 recently acquired tends to indicate higher running temp
than I'm accustomed to - a little more than 3/4 of the gauge range
rather than half. It gets there w/in a few minutes of starting and
does not seem inclined to go higher. Water seems to be circulating.
Replace thermostat? Is measurement of water temp by sticking a
thermometer in the filler hole valid to verify calibration of other
components (sensor, gauge)?
2. Red IGN light comes on occassionally after several minutes,
despite gauge still indicating charging, engine at speed rather
than idling. Cause for concern?
Any pointers greatly appreciated.
William S. Brown (WSBROWN@BNL.GOV) TEL: 516 282 7230
Human Factors and Performance Analysis Group FAX: 516 282 4900
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Building 130
Upton, New York 11973-5000 USA