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Re: Speedo needle sticks

Subject: Re: Speedo needle sticks
From: (Paul Swengler)
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 10:19:39 -0400
Scott writes:

>I've got a speedometer whose needle just barely hangs up on it's way back to
>zero from highway speeds.  
>Can I use powdered graphite in there somewhere, or is that a bad idea?

Paul answers:

Yes you can, but the problem is more likely dirt and it should therefore be
>Furthermore, I'd like to figure out how accurate my speedos are.  Does anyone
>know how to figure out what a TR-4 speedo should read given an input
>rotational speed of 1000 rpm  (or whatever)?

You can use your pc to calculate the ratios and tire size, but a reasonable
rule of thumb for the "big" TR's (2,3,4,5,6) that 3000 rpm should read 60
MPH (no OD). Variations exist with tire size and thumb length. That also
assumes that your tach is operating accurately.
>Thanks in advance

Your welcome after the fact.

Best of luck and aloha.
 Great minds think alike...
                Simple minds seldom think differently.

Paul Swengler                      Providing Hawaii's Legal Community
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