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For Sale: 1970 Midget

Subject: For Sale: 1970 Midget
From: (David Clark)
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 20:42:33 -0700
Hi all,

I am posting this for sombody I ran into at the parts store the other 
day.  I haven't seen the car so I can't offer any further information 
other than the following that is copied verbatum from what he (his wife 
actually) squeezed on the back of the stores business card:

1970 MG Midget Convertable

Nice Car, Refurbished last year, New Top, Carpet, Paint, and much more. 
Runs Great.

Leave message for Peter at 812.876.7025

BTW I think he was in the Columbus, IN. Area and if memory serves 
correct, I think he was looking in the $2000.00 range.

David Clark

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