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Valve settings - thanks.

Subject: Valve settings - thanks.
From: (Peter J Barrance)
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 13:28:06 -0500 (EDT)
Thanks to all of you who answered my request for advice on setting tappet
clearances on my TR-6 last week. The consensus was - pull the plugs, put the
car in high gear and rock it to turn the motor. I found the best way to 
easily rock the motor while watching the valves was to grab hold of the
right front wheel and turn it.

It turned out that that really wasn't my problem. The timing had just got way
off when I put in new points. It's running sweetly now - the idle is much more
even and it opens up cleanly. One question though - it is now rather apt to 
rev low and sometimes stop running if one blips the throttle (i.e. the revs
dip well below the steady idle speed when one lifts off). I was planning to
do a carburettor adjustment - does anyone know the likely cause of such a

One more thing - I'd like to pick up an overdrive trans. (inc. harness, switch
, etc.) for the car at some point. Does anyone have one for sale or could they
point me toward possible sources? The car seems too short-geared even running
at 60. I'm willing to pay a sensible price if someone has one.


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