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Original Engine???

Subject: Original Engine???
Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 19:23:23 -0400
Having just purchased my Inca yellow 1976 TR-6 last year, I have a lot to
learn about "The Breed".  I am learning a great deal just by reading the
postings to this group.  Thanks to everyone!
My car is in good shape and runs well so I have only small jobs to keep
improving it.

I do have one question regarding the car that I have not been able to find
the answer to in catalogues, etc.   One PO advised me that he thought that
the engine had been rebuilt at some point.  My question concerns whether the
engine is "original" or not.  The best information I have found says that
engine numbers are in roughly the same sequence as Commission numbers - but
that they do not necessarily match.

My car's numbers below:
Commission #  CF57156U
Engine #  CF47439UE
Head #  313248

Can anyone out there help enlighten me further on the relationship between
these numbers and whether this "set" is original?


Andrew D. Murray Sr.
Northfield, MN

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