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TR4 fuel pump

Subject: TR4 fuel pump
From: (Limno-Tech Inc.)
Date: Sun, 7 May 1995 08:02:58 -0400 (EDT)
Now that I've got the TR4 back on the road for this season, I've noticed a
new source of oil leakage.  Specifically, I found a significant amount of
oil splashed at the back of the block, immediately back from where the
fuel pump is attached. The pump is mechanical, with a lever that rides on
the camshaft and works a diaphram within the pump.  It appears that the
shaft that the lever hinges on is working its way sideways (i.e., towards
the front of the car) out of the pump housing. When the end of the shaft
clears the pump housing, oil is allowed to spray out, and I get a very
impressive leak.

I'm looking for some collective wisdom on how to fix this. Pushing the
shaft back into place with a large screwdriver has temporarily solved the
problem, but I'd like to find a more long-term fix. I've thought of 
trying to peen the housing around the shaft.  Anyone have any experience 
with this type of problem and an effective solution?


1965 TR4 (CT37089L)

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