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re: tr-3 rear hubs

Subject: re: tr-3 rear hubs
From: (Chris Amley - 3M Co. - St. Paul, MN)
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 08:35:14 -0500
It so happens I just removed the rear hubs on my '3.  John W is correct about
using a hub puller (I used a gear puller, which is similar).  Since the axle/hub
joint is tapered, the hub comes away quite easily as soon as you break the
bond or seal or whatever magic that holds them together.  No need to pull the
whole axle or involve a machinist.

Chris Amley                   
TR-3A TS39449L

"Opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily represent
those of 3M."

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