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Rear hubs

Subject: Rear hubs
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 13:15:55 +1000 (EST)
I'd like to add something to the discussion on hub removing - it
isn't as easy as it sounds.  I have a '76 Dolomite whose rear hubs
needed removing before replacing the bearings.  After removing the
half shafts it should have been 'relatively' easy to get the hubs
off.  After quite a deal of swearing I took the half shafts to an
engine rebuilder whose 20 ton press was required to get the hubs
off.  The press reached 17 tons just as the hub let go!  So John W's
comment that they "get kind of tight" was a slight understatment.
Dolomites also have a tapered fit.  Good luck!
Nigel Parker.

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