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Re: Tales of woe

To: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570" <>,
Subject: Re: Tales of woe
Date: Wed, 03 May 95 11:40:52 cst

Changing the gearbox in a Spit is really easy. Just remove the seats and
gearbox cover inside the car, put something under the engine to hold it up,
then undo the bolts around the bellhousing. Remove the clutch slave cylinder,
the backup light wires and the speedo cable. You can lift out the tranny
from inside the car. Oops. I forgot to mention disconnecting the propshaft.

I removed the gearbox from my GT6 alone. It should be a bit easier in a
Spit, since you can have the hood folded and have me room to work.

Too bad you can't wait a couple of weeks - I'll be in London May 21. We could
do some international wrenching...


Subject: Tales of woe
From:    "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570" <> at CCGTWINT
Date:    5/3/95  11:21 AM

Hello all,
 Todays one of the best sunny days yet this year(for us in England
anyway), Why am I saying this you all ask, well basically I'm sat staring out
of my office window, looking at my poorly Spit' who's gearbox is gonna get
replaced on Saturday - The reason for this, well I've a sneaking suspicion that
it may have something to do with driving flat out down the motorway(freeway),
with no EP 90 in the gearbox.  There are no morals to this story other than if
your 'box starts making loud graunching noises, there's a fair chance that its
knackered.  I'm am thinking of getting a donar card for my car as I wouldn't
want someone transplanting dud parts of my car, should it come to an untimely
end, into their own.  What do ya think.
Before I go, does anyone know of a easy way to get the 'box out without giving
yourself a hernia.
Thought for the day: If it doesn't exist, invent it.

Rich - Whose wallet will get lighter at the weekend due to not checking his
fluid levels regularly.

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