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RE: FW: TR6 Floor Panel Replacement

Subject: RE: FW: TR6 Floor Panel Replacement
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 15:34:28 -0500 (CDT)
from MAJ Gary M. McAndrews" <> :
>Can anyone detail the steps to replacing the left hand floor panel for
>a TR6 ('71)?  Mine is rusted through and needs replacing.  Carpets are
>out, seats out etc, but need more info before going further.

I suggest having the replacement panel in hand before starting the cutting;
use it to figure out just what you need to remove.  You can either drill
out the spot welds (use a spot weld cutter) or cut the panel out (cutting
torch, plasma cutter, etc.) just inside the line of spot welds (careful not
to cut the supporting material) and grind down the old material. 

Clean up all the areas to which you will be welding the new material. 

Test fit the new piece and bend/cut/damage as necessary to get a good fit.
(You may find that swearing and/or prayer may help here.  Just not both at
the same time.)  

Start the attachment process with just a few tack welds until you are sure
you have everything straight; you don't want to have to cut out your new

Most of all: good luck! - Lee

Lee M. Daniels   Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding   Texas A&M            (409) 845-3726          Fax (409) 845-9351

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