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Re: title and year of car

Subject: Re: title and year of car
From: (Gary Schneider)
Date: Tue, 2 May 95 10:48:57 CDT
>>The thread has run:
>>Feb.1970 production date car should not have been sold
>>as a 1971....
>>From various sources, the 1970-1 model records are:
>1st 1970 model (CC50001L) was built on 22-Nov-69....
Anyone remember the annual model changes that were obligatory in the US
back then? There would be a fall launch, and in, say, Sept. 1970 you could
buy a shiny new 1971 car of your choice. Must have been built in the summer
to make it to dealer showrooms, registered as the following year's model
though the miracle of marketing. Don't know if the British mfrs. played the
same game, but if so the length of the pipeline would force them to build
even further ahead. I think we are much more concerned about the dates than
the original suppliers were.

I suppose we could try convincing ourselves that fuzzy history, myths and
legends are part of the unique charm and mystique of the breed.  :-)

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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